Kirkburton History Group - Memorial Board

The Kirkburton History Group was interested in the centennial celebrations of World War One and three group members started collecting information about the inhabitants of Kirkburton who had fought and died, or fought and returned, from that War.

A successful application was made by the Group to the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2014 to secure funding to undertake a range of projects related to the First World War, the Memorial Board being the main project.

There are 400 names on the Board and members are researching each one to build a picture or their lives prior to, during and after the war. The intention is to publish a book when the research is finished and to add the information to this website. (Click here to access the Debt of Honour Register)

Agreement was given by Kirklees Council for the Board to have a permanent place in Kirkburton Library.

Mindlabs Media, of Kirkburton, designed and erected the impressive Board.

The photo shows staff from Mindlabs putting the finishing touches to the Board prior to the dedication event in Kirkburton Library.

Once the Board was erected it was covered with a reproduction of a photo of the Territorials marching along North Road, Kirkburton which was taken in 1911. The photo was from the Robert Carter collection and reproduced on cloth by Mindlabs Media

In addition, Mindlabs also designed and produced a small plaque to acknowledge the support given to the Kirkburton History Group by the Heritage Lottery Fund for its First World War projects.

Memorial Board Dedication Event – Friday 22 May 2015

The Kirkburton History Group held an event to unveil a Memorial Board in Kirkburton Library dedicated to all the men from the Kirkburton who served during the First World War.

The photograph shows the opening introduction to the event by Chairman Roger Armitage.

To his right are the Mayor, Councillor Paul Kane, and the Mayoress

To his left is former Flight Sergeant Alex Coldwell DFM (Distinguished Flying Medal).

The Board was unveiled on the 22nd May 2015 by former Flight Sgt Alex Caldwell who represented the Royal British Legion. Click on the following link to see a video of the board being unveiled.

The Mayor of Kirklees Cllr Paul Kane, accompanied by the Mayoress, unveiled the plaque to acknowledge the importance of support from the Heritage Lottery Fund in the production of this Memorial Board and he also gave a short address.

Major John Wakley from the Huddersfield Army Veterans read the exhortation followed by a 72 second silence, one second for every man that made the ultimate sacrifice.

Over 120 people including members of the Royal British Legion, Huddersfield Army Veterans and other organisations attended the event, many of whom had relatives listed on the Board.

The Mayor of Kirklees Cllr Paul Kane, accompanied by the Mayoress, unveiled the plaque to acknowledge the importance of support from the Heritage Lottery Fund in the production of this Memorial Board and he also gave a short address.

Three information boards were displayed, along a table of artefacts from the period loaned by Tolson Museum, at the front of the Library below the Memorial Board.